Tuesday, November 1, 2022

October "Put the Garden to Bed" Workday


The Garden is almost but not quite "put to bed". There are some peppers still ripening on the vine, and a few green tomatoes ripening off site. We have hope that we might get some broccoli (left, in south bed) and some sugar snap peas (center, in the south raised bed). Note the marigolds in the north raised bed are available for the picking.

The work crew pulled the tomato plants (disappointing crop this year) and also the previously harvested collards, kale, and spinach plants. The empty beds are now covered 'til next year. They also did a bit of weeding around the flower beds outside the garden fence. 

Monday, August 22, 2022

August 20 Workday


Cool Weather Crops Planted: Broccoli, Kale, Lettuce, Spinach, and Swiss Chard
                                               The 'IGG' is also a 'Pollinator' Garden,
                                                        Monarch Butterfly at work

Tuesday, June 21, 2022


 Labyrinth weeded and walking paths mulched!

                                                                Mulch Workers

Monday, June 20, 2022

June 17 Workday

                                                          Weeder Extraordinaire
                                               Two Weeders and a Veggie Planter

                                           Carrot Thinner                                              The first of the crop. Tasty!

    Coming: Green Beans                         Sugar Snap Peas                     Cucumbers

                                                               And Tomatoes            

Monday, June 13, 2022

Born In The Garden

                 Lying in wait for the Carrots to pop up (just like us)

Sunday, May 22, 2022

May 21 Workday

                             Planted: Tomatoes, Cucumbers , Squash, and Pepper plants

In this picture: (4) Tomato plants (west bed), (2) Cucumber plants (west bed), (2) Yellow Squash plants (north bed), (2) Zucchini (north bed), and (2) Pepper plants (west end of north raised bed).

                                                        Planter Team Members 

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Earth Sunday

                                                                Team of Seven

                                      Fence Post Tops Replaced

                                     Carrot and Radish Thinning
                                             Soil Conditioning
                                         South Raised Bed 
                                         Front to Back:
                                         Carrots and Radishes
                                             North Raised Bed
                                             Front to Back:
                                             Swiss Chard
                        (seeds for green Beans & Peas also planted)
                                      Work at another Garden
                                   (Thompson Hall Entrance)

Monday, March 28, 2022

Season 13 First Workday

Team at work


Soil Conditioners

Seeders (Carrots & Radishes)


                                            Seeds under Covers
                                     Carrots & radishes on the left
                                     Spinach & Lettuce on the right

                                            After work Photo Op