Monday, October 10, 2011





Banana Peppers

Kale & Collard Greens

Okra Flower

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Cranberry Red, Russian Banana, Yukon Gold

Farmer Ken and July Crew Chief Jennifer B

Sunday, June 19, 2011

We Love Not By Vegetables Alone

Our 18th delivery of the season to ACTC
included lettuce, chard, squash, peas,

and a bouqet of flowers cut fresh from the garden.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Garden Tour With Farmer Ken

On Sunday, two TPC Sunday School classes came to the Garden for a tour and picking. The children (about 20, I guess),came with their teachers, and after the general tour was done, they picked some peas from the vines. Some of the children wanted to take the peas home, others eat them right out of the pods. Several children wanted to try some radishes. We pulled a few from behind the peas. I suggested that they wash them before eating them. The vegetable debris, we placed in the appropriate compost pile. They thought the compost pile idea was pretty cool! I asked them if they had a compost pile at home and discovered that no child had a compost pile. I tried to encourage each child to tell their parents about composting. We'll see how far that goes!

Friday, June 10, 2011

New Garden Pics From Farmer Ken

(1) Fresh peas on the vine
 (2) Ageratum  ("Blue Horizon") with Euphorbia ("Diamond Frost") at the base

 (3) Nasturium ("Empress of India") - the nasturiums are edible!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Very well it seems, fresh vegetables are continuing to be taken to ACTC (see the garden log) and, as you can see from the pictures, more plants are beginning to flower and there will soon be peas for the picking.  Stop on by anytime!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Spring planting has begun!

Our TPC Gardeners have been hard at work preparing the soil for another wonderful growing season. New flowers have been planted around the exterior and the spring harvest has already begun (see the Garden Log for details).

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Plant a Row For the Hungry!

The Garden Writers Association is starting a new campaign for individuals or companies to plant an extra row in their garden to help feed our hungry neighbors. Please see the brochure for more info. Working together we can make a difference!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

IGG Planting

Planting will start on TPC's Earth Sunday/ Blue Jean Sunday, April 10th! Call the church office at 410-823-6500 for more information or to volunteer.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Gardening Success Stories

Gardening Success Stories

Spring is coming and seeds are being started indoors in preparation for another wonderful growing season for the Intergenerational Garden. The IGG is fortunate to be showcased in an article posted on the University of Maryland Extension Grow It Eat It program's Garden Success Stories page (Click underlined link above to see article.) What a terrific way to help spur on the good works of the gardeners! Follow this blog to watch the fruits, vegetables, and flowers as they grow and mature and to find out how the garden impacts lives. Please be sure to visit the garden in person for a real life view of God's grace in action!