Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Camp BeeTree writes poetry about TPC IGG

Below is a "Poetry Salad" created by Madeleine of thoughts from campers after Camp BeeTree visited the IGG and Labryrinth.

I saw a garden with fruits and vegetables. I like seeing all things

I haven't seen before.
It was so cool . . . that I liked it so much.

Sweet, tall, strong, big, bright, bold, small

STEVIA: Green leaves, very sweet, thin . . . stems . . .

A very beautiful purple cabbage

Yummy flowers, spicy basil

Tomatoes hiding!


Sweet stevia

I saw beets

popping out of the ground

like groundhogs


Potaters, scraggly and dry . . . I think they'll taste good, up in the sky.

Vines, strong plants

Good care for plants

Green, sprouting, growing.

Light green color

Dark green color


Red, fat, tasty, cold, green, sweet, triangular


Red, plump, ripe, round, shiny

I breath strong, sweet smells

I see all the colors

I touch feathery leaves

Strong fruits

And I taste strength in these . . .

I saw the purple cabbage

and saw some different bugs

I smelled pink flowers

A light red fruit growing on

Delicate leaves

A red plump juicy tomato waving in the wind on its vine

Orange tip, sticking out of the ground,

Strong, so strong the carrot

Tomatoes are red or green.

Tomatoes blend with leaves

when green.

The basil was very strong—

Smell and taste!

I saw the garden,

The potato leaves looked green and funny

And tomatoes were still green

It looked like the onions were popping out of the ground

That's what I saw in the garden

Dark yellow tip

Strong root

Zucchini, big center

I saw a flower

And I can smell it too

I feel the petals

On a cabbage tree

is, of course, cabbage for free,

and small Brussels sprouts, which

I would like to taste—right now.

sweet stevia

purple cabbage

tall beans

bright flowers

small parsley

In a pod

Small and green

Sugar snap peas

Monday, July 12, 2010

New Garden Pages posted

Are you interested in knowing exactly which types of herbs and vegetables are planted this year? Check out the new pages to find out more.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Here are some new pictures of the Garden. The gardeners have been working hard keeping the plants watered during this dry spell. There are some wonderful beans, what will be delicious tomatoes and some beautiful cabbage. Stop by and take a look!